This is a battle we fight every four years and this year will be no different. The harvest drunk "sportsmen" of Tillamook county are already salivating over the prospect of two a day, with an eight inch minimum, harvest.

You find a few of these knuckle draggers on the internet in the usual places talking about how great it would be to kill a few of these fish. After all how are we going to keep our kids interested in fishing without letting them kill their catch?
So friends I am asking you to make your voices heard and let the ODFW know how foolish this notion is. I am not claiming to be a biologist but I do know a bit about the cutthroat trout populations in this region and the huge numbers that locals claim are just not there. Anyone who gives a damn about wild fish and is familiar with these trout will tell you the exact same thing.
They can be reached at the Tillamook Regional office of the ODFW 503-842-2741 and you can talk directly to the individuals that will be involved with any cutthroat harvest.
Ask for either Rick Klumph, Robert Bradley or Keith Braun at the Tillamook ODFW office. Ask them where they are getting their evidence that these trout can sustain a harvest and be sure and ask them where in the watershed they are collecting this information and by what means.
I'm pretty sure you will get a lot of double talk but ask them anyway. I will write more information as to dates for public hearing etc. where this harvest can be addressed in public.
I'm putting everything on the line to save these fish and if you have enjoyed anything I've written over the almost two years the Quiet Pool has existed I am asking you to please help save the wonderful and wild trout.
Another thing you can do is register on the discussion board of the largest fishing forum in the northwest and post your feelings about a potential harvest of these trout.There are many on that website who want to kill cutthroat trout....even the owner thinks it's a good idea after once saying she was against it.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
This is a crappy idea, imo. I have noticed that I have incidentally caught more bluebacks this year then in the past few years. (All south of the area you mentioned) That hardly means they should be harvested. I also saw the discussion on IFish. It seemed pretty split down the middle on the issue. I'll drop them a line. I think that they should mange the fishery conservatively in the absence of data suggesting the population is healthy.
ReplyDeleteIf Jennie owns Ifish, she came out against the proposal as did most on the board.
ReplyDeleteJennie posted in the last year that she talked to Keith Braun and Jim Martin and they said the cutthroat trout population can sustain a harvest. She bought into that philosophy. She also uses bait for cutthroat trout! While it is legal to do so it is about as unethical as you can get.