After a nice but fish less visit to Central Oregon your favorite angry fly fisherman is back.I met my new granddaughter and spent time with my other two grand kids.
Central Oregon is such a wonderful place even if you are not a fly fisherman and we took in a lot of the clear air of this region.
There is just something magical about living in a town that has the Deschutes River running through it. I tell my son just how lucky he is to be able to live and work exactly where you want to be. Bend is where he has worked hard for FedEx to be and I hope to move to that region some day.
So what lays ahead in the never ending battle for the well being of wild fish? We will be testifying before the full ODFW commission on August 8th. Here is hoping that we get the big turn out of wild fish friendly people at the meeting to show that we are indeed willing to fight for this precious resource.
The proposals are out there to bring back a kill fishery for wild North Umpqua winter steelhead and wild coastal cutthroat trout. Seems like this is a never ending struggle no matter what the status of these wild populations are and ODFW does not seem to care much for the well being of these fish or they would have never allowed these wrong headed proposals to get beyond the review board.
The summer time warm water temperatures have halted my coastal trout fishing and I will not resume until the cooling weather of fall. There are also a huge amount of salmon, trout and steelhead smolt that seem to take pleasure in sinking my dry fly.
With the fall rains comes the returning cutthroat trout and of course the fall salmon.
This year the salmon well has almost gone dry and the bag limits will be severally cut back in most regions.
This is a good idea but I am afraid that it is at least two years too late.
The effect of those dark and inedible females slaughtered for their eggs has taken a toll much larger than the bait slinging, knuckle dragging so called sportsmen are willing to admit.
So after a short respite I am back with all kinds of new rants in mind...stay tuned friends.